Smith raised to the Sublime Degree

In News by Charles Ward

Nearly 20 Masons came out to help raise Bro. Dedrick Smith to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 30, 2019. Pictured here, from left, are W. Bro. Steven Stewart, Bro. Ed Kalwara, Bro. Richard Marshall, W. Bro. Larry Fanning, V.W. Bro. Jeff DeFreest, Bro. Michael Duxberry, V.W. Bro. Donald Hale, Smith, W. Bro. John Barnett, V.W. Bro. Harley Clough, Bro. James Herr, Bro. Torrey Jacobson, V.W. Bro. Bruce Morley, W. Bro. Ken Vaughan and R.W. Bro. Charles Ward. Hale conferred the degree, Barnett and Jacobson gave the lecture, and Marshall delivered the charge. You can see more pictures from the event on our Flickr site.