Master Mason – Lesson 1

In by Jason Nardi



It is called this not only for the solemnity of the ceremonies, but also for the profound lesson of wisdom it teaches. This degree symbolizes the great lessons of the resurrection of the body and the immortality of the soul.

The Master Mason Degree differs in many ways from the previous two degrees. Many of the symbols are the same, but they are interpreted differently. In the first two degrees, the Lodge is a symbol of the world in which we live – trying to sustain life, striving to obtain knowledge, and through wisdom become virtuous.

In this degree, the Lodge becomes a representation of the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies of Solomon’s great Temple at Jerusalem. This magnificent structure was a symbol of Heaven to the Hebrew people. Supposedly, Solomon built it as the dwelling place of Jehovah or Yahweh that he might be in the midst of his people Israel. The Hebrew law of cleanliness was strictly enforced and nothing earthy or unclean was permit­ ted to enter the Temple. When you attain the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, you receive this most valuable lesson and truth – that having been faithful to your trust, you must at last die in order to attain the ultimate reward of your fidelity. This teaches hope for the immortality of the soul.

In this state of life, man is represented to have died and then he is raised from the grave to another and better place. Thus, these ceremonies of the Degree lead to the inevitable conclusion that youth, properly directed, leads to an honorable and virtuous maturity and that, regulated by morality, faith and justice, life will be rewarded in its closing hours by the prospect of eternal bliss and immortality.

We hope that these lessons and meanings will lead to new and undiscov­ered inspirations each time you study them.


The significance can best be understood when we compare it to the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Degrees. In the first two degrees, building or construction and architecture were the themes of the symbols. The symbols in the Degree of Master Mason refer to life, its tragedy and its ultimate triumph if we lead virtuous lives. In other words, the symbols of this Degree deal with the spiritual part of man’s life.

We should keep in mind that in our later years, we are getting closer and closer to immortality, and that we have to work even harder to accomplish that which is given to us by the Supreme Architect of the Universe. Resurrection and immortality are both significant lessons in this Degree.

The preparation of the Candidate reminds him of several things. First, through the clothing, he is reminded that he is to be humble. He is also taught that his obligations become more extensive and binding each time he advances. Finally, he is reminded that he is able to attain many of his desires only with the assistance given him by a Friend or Brother.